Hatebreed : The Rise Of Brutality |
"I live for this shit!" shouted all-American and shiny headed hero Vin Diesel in last year's ridiculously over the top XXX. Muppet. But XXX wasn't a complete waste of time. The Hollywood blockbuster got Connecticut hardcore bruisers Hatebreed some much-needed limelight with I Will Be Heard, a track featured on the soundtrack. While the video was one of those band-plays-to-crowd-with-interspersed-action-scenes-from-movie affairs, the song was absolutely banging. Listening to Rise Of Brutality it's very clear Hatebreed live for their shit too - dedication and perseverance to the hardcore way of life shines through on this new release. It would be lovely to think Hatebreed formed solely because of bands like Agnostic Front and Madball, and they wanted to make a notable contribution to the punk genre, but listening to this my doubts about that are brought up with every line. This CD will fight you, and not sportingly either. Starting with a fierce left hook on Tear It Down, followed up with a right jab Straight To Your Face. You're dizzy and stumbling around, the floor and ceiling undistinguishable from each other. Blow follows blow, Beholder Of Justice and This Is Now rain down on your face and from the sides. Click. Flash. A camera lens captures the snapshot of your beaten body in mid-air and you plummet back to the mat. Unconscious. KO. |